How We Got Started

Giles Flythe Engineers, Inc. was founded in 2003 by Robert C. Giles with a focus on evaluating buildings and site improvements. Bob started the business with the idea that it should be easy to work with an engineer to find solutions to problems with buildings and sites.

We have held true to this philosophy as we specialize in working with property owners and community associations to find solutions to simple or complex programs and building trusted relationships along the way.

Our Growth

Since its start in 2003, Giles Flythe Engineers has grown into multiple offices in North Carolina and Virginia. Since then, we have also added additional services  including work with infrastructure and site evaluations, transition studies, new construction design, construction administration, and cost segregation studies. Check out our history timeline below to see how we got to where we are today!

Kyle Hedblom and Joshua Gale - project engineers - performing DCP testing for a residential structural engineering project

History Timeline

Our People

Our culture is created by our people and the values we live in our everyday lives.

Robert (Bob) Giles, PE, RS

Robert C. Giles, PE, RS

Robert C. Giles, PE, RS

Robert (Bob) Giles, PE, RS

Robert C. Giles, PE, RS


Bob is the founder and President of Giles Flythe Engineers, Inc. He has more than 25 years of combined experience in environmental engineering, reserve studies, building assessments, structural evaluations, design, site drainage, and construction monitoring.

It’s hard to summarize Bob’s long resume of commercial real estate due diligence services. He has performed property condition assessments and Phase 1 Environmental Site Assessments on more than a thousand properties, including 30+ story buildings, medical complexes, one million+ square foot light industrial facilities, 250+ unit apartment complexes, historic buildings, and large tracts of undeveloped land.

Bob is starting his road to retirement by scaling back his hours in 2022. However, he intends to stay actively involved with the company by working with the staff and long-term clients. Bob enjoys golfing, long hikes, and watching college football and basketball. Bob and his wife are very active in their local church and enjoy volunteering.

Professional Designations:

  • Licensed Professional Engineer (PE): North Carolina, South Carolina, and Virginia
  • Reserve Specialist (RS), awarded by the Community Association’s Institute (CAI)


BS, Engineering, Duke University

Professional Designations:

  • Licensed Professional Engineer (PE): North CarolinaSouth Carolina, and Virginia
  • Reserve Specialist (RS) – Community Association’s Institute (CAI)


Raleigh, North Carolina


Kevin Giles, RS

Kevin R. Giles, RS
Director of Operations

Kevin R. Giles, RS

Kevin Giles, RS

Kevin R. Giles, RS

Director of Operations

Kevin joined Giles Flythe Engineers, Inc. in 2010. Kevin has more than ten years of experience in commercial and residential construction management, building material manufacturing, and safety and environmental oversight. Over the last decade, he has utilized his business management background and technical experience to work with several hundred community associations on reserve studies, transition studies, and construction management. Kevin has also assisted with numerous commercial real estate evaluations, including cost segregation studies, property condition assessments, and phase 1 environmental site assessments. These studies address a range of contaminants, including petroleum products, hazardous materials in construction materials, and compliance with building codes, ADA regulations, and mechanical, electrical, and structural integrity issues. Kevin has a broad range of experience, including building material manufacturing, commercial building renovation and construction, commercial building maintenance, and residential construction and renovation.  

Kevin currently serves as a Board Member of the North Carolina Chapter of Community Associations Institute (CAI-NC). 

Kevin was born and raised in North Carolina. He is a husband and father to two daughters. His family is all very involved with their church. He is a runner and enjoys his workouts with F3 South Cary. 


BS, Business Management, Finance, and Operations concentration, North Carolina State University. 

Professional Designations:

Reserve Specialist (RS) – Community Association’s Institute (CAI)


Raleigh, North Carolina

LinkedIn Profile:

Christopher (Chris) Flythe, PE, RS, LEED AP

Christopher Flythe, PE, RS, LEED AP
Principal Engineer

Christopher Flythe, PE, RS

Christopher (Chris) Flythe, PE, RS, LEED AP

Christopher Flythe, PE, RS

Principal Engineer

Chris joined Giles Flythe Engineers, Inc. as a Principal in 2012. He has over 15 years of infrastructure design and inspection for residential, commercial, and institutional projects. Chris has performed numerous reserve studies and transition studies for townhomes, condominium complexes, high-rise residential units, single-family homes, and mixed-use developments. His due diligence experience includes property condition assessments, Phase 1 Environmental Site Assessments, and site/civil engineering services. Chris also has experience performing drainage, asphalt and concrete paving evaluations, design and specifications development, bidding, and construction monitoring projects for a wide range of properties. His land development experience is invaluable for helping owners with complex drainage and/or erosion concerns. He has helped hundreds of property owners by providing forensic engineering, structural evaluations, and design services. During his early career, Chris designed prestressed concrete and steel girder bridges and provided inspections and evaluations of timber, concrete, and steel bridges. In addition to his extensive engineering experience, he also provides expert witness and support services for capital reserve and site/civil engineering-related litigation.

Chris is a North Carolina native, husband, and father of two daughters and one son. He and his family are involved with their church and desire to live a life of service in response to the Gospel. Chris enjoys CrossFit workouts with his wife, coaching soccer for his daughters, and riding dirt bikes with his son. He has served on the Cary Christian School Board for the last decade. Chris is passionate about learning and researching. He enjoys mentoring the incredible team he works with while gaining just as much knowledge from the talented engineers around him.


BS, Construction Engineering and Management, North Carolina State University

Professional Designations:

  • Licensed Professional Engineer (PE): North CarolinaSouth Carolina, Florida, Virginia, and Tennessee
  • Reserve Specialist (RS) – Community Association’s Institute (CAI)
  • Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) Accredited Professional (AP)
  • Certified Stormwater BMP Inspection & Maintenance Professional – certified by The North Carolina Cooperative Extension.


Raleigh, North Carolina


Tyler Hall, PE, MCE, RS

Tyler Hall, PE, MCE, RS
Charlotte Regional Engineering Manager

Tyler Hall, MCE, PE, RS

Tyler Hall, PE, MCE, RS

Tyler Hall, MCE, PE, RS

Charlotte Regional Engineering Manager

Tyler joined Giles Flythe Engineers, Inc. in 2014 as Project Engineer. He has over 15 years of combined experience in facility design, construction administration, and special inspections. He has provided engineering and consultation on many projects and has been responsible for developing construction documentation on many sites. He has experience performing structural assessments on existing commercial buildings and structural design on new commercial buildings. Additionally, Tyler has experience in structural assessments for residential buildings and structural design for new and existing residential buildings. He has also performed cost segregation studies for various commercial real estate properties and numerous capital reserves studies for community associations.

Tyler is a North Carolina native and started in the Raleigh office. When Giles Flythe Engineers was looking for someone to open their Charlotte branch, Tyler raised his hand. Tyler has been the Charlotte Regional Engineering manager since 2017 when the office opened, and we continue to see that office grow. 

Tyler is a husband and father to three sons and three daughters.  He enjoys taking the family camping, hiking, fishing, and creating other opportunities to teach his kids life skills through building and renovation projects.  Tyler has served on the Building Committee at his church, assisting with the design and ongoing construction of their new facility.  He is always willing to lend expertise and collaborate on projects with engineers across all offices.   


BS, Civil Engineering, Structural Engineering concentration, North Carolina State University

Master’s, Civil Engineering, Structural Engineering, and Mechanics concentration, North Carolina State University

Professional Designations:

  • Licensed Professional Engineer (PE): North CarolinaSouth Carolina, Georgia, Texas, Tennessee, and Massachusetts
  • Reserve Specialist (RS), awarded by the Community Association’s Institute (CAI)


Charlotte, North Carolina


Zachary (Zach) Shepherd, PE, RS

Zach Shepherd, PE, RS
Virginia Regional Engineering Manager

Zach Shepherd, PE, RS

Zachary (Zach) Shepherd, PE, RS

Zach Shepherd, PE, RS

Virginia Regional Engineering Manager

Zach joined Giles Flythe Engineers, Inc. in 2019 as a Project Manager. Zach relocated to the Virginia Beach area in 2021 to help start a new church and open the Giles Flythe Engineers Virginia Beach office. Zach has extensive experience in structural and forensic engineering. Zach has provided engineering and consultation services for various commercial and residential projects of varying sizes and scope. He has primary expertise in the fields of property inspections and structural forensic engineering throughout North Carolina and Virginia. In addition to structural inspections and evaluations, Zach has experience in residential design in new home construction for single-family and townhome structures. He has also completed numerous phase 1 environmental site assessments and property condition assessments for various existing commercial and industrial facilities in Virginia and North Carolina.

Zach is a native of North Carolina, husband, and father of three daughters, with a passion for loving his wife extraordinarily and raising children that will change the world. Zach enjoys being outside and doing pretty much anything fitness-related. He and his family are involved with their church, serving on the local college campus, and enjoy sharing meals with others in their home.


BS, Civil Engineering, Structural Engineering concentration, North Carolina State University

Professional Designations:

  • Licensed Professional Engineer (PE): Virginia, North Carolina, Maryland, Pennsylvania, Alabama, and Delaware
  • Reserve Specialist (RS) – Community Association’s Institute (CAI)


Virginia Beach, Virginia

LinkedIn Profile:

Richard Holt, PE, RS

Richard S. Holt, PE, RS
Wilmington Regional Engineering Manager

Richard S. Holt, PE, RS

Richard Holt, PE, RS

Richard S. Holt, PE, RS

Regional Engineering Manager

While in college, Richard was an intern with Giles Flythe Engineers, Inc. and rejoined the team in 2021 after relocating back to the Raleigh area from Boone, North Carolina. Richard has several years of experience conducting structural evaluations for residential and commercial properties and structural engineering design of new commercial and residential structures. In addition to evaluations and design of commercial and residential structures, Richard has experience in engineering design of large foundations, retaining walls, heavy timber, pedestrian bridges, and roadway bridges.

Richard has performed numerous reserve studies and transition studies for condominiums, townhomes, and single-family home communities, as well as office complexes, timeshares, churches, and schools. Additionally, Richard has experience performing replacement cost evaluations, drainage evaluations, stormwater BMP inspections, structural inspections, paving inspections, and building envelope inspections for community HOA’s.
Richard also performs property condition assessments and Phase 1 Environmental Site Assessments for a wide array of properties, from undeveloped land to shopping centers to hotels. These studies address a range of building system and environmental concerns including potential structural, mechanical, electrical, and accessibility issues and the probability of the presence of potentially hazardous substances on a property. 

Richard is a North Carolina native. After graduation, he spent some time in Boone, North Carolina, but his wife and their two dogs made their way to Raleigh for a few years, then to Wilmington to open the Giles Flythe Engineers Wilmington office. Richard enjoys the outdoors, as he spends most of his free time hiking, fishing, camping, and hunting. He and his wife also enjoy summer gardening and traveling whenever possible.


BS, Civil Engineering, North Carolina State University 

Professional Designations:

  • Licensed Professional Engineer (PE): North Carolina, South Carolina 
  • Reserve Specialist (RS) – Community Association’s Institute (CAI)
  • Certified Stormwater BMP Inspection & Maintenance Professional – certified by the North Carolina State BAE Department


Wilmington, North Carolina

LinkedIn Profile:

Brent Blackburn, PE, LEED AP

Brent Blackburn, PE, LEED AP
Project Manager

Brent Blackburn, PE

Brent Blackburn, PE, LEED AP

Brent Blackburn, PE

Project Manager

Brent joined Giles Flythe Engineers, Inc. in 2015 as a Project Manager. He has more than 15 years of experience in designing, engineering, and analyzing building systems for residential, commercial, and industrial facilities, including single and multi-family homes, hospitals, office complexes, and academic institutions. Brent’s formal education was focused on building specific engineering disciplines with an emphasis on structures and included electrical, mechanical, and plumbing components. In addition to design and analysis, Brent has spent a significant portion of his career in the field reviewing engineered systems’ installation to ensure they comply with the design specifications and drawings. He has performed structural assessments for various existing building types and systems to help determine the magnitude of potential structural defects in framing and foundations. He uses his field experience to help identify sources of deterioration, settlement, and other deficiencies and subsequently designs and compiles solutions to help restore the integrity of the system. 

Brent also performs property condition assessments and Phase 1 Environmental Site Assessments for a wide array of properties, from undeveloped land to 750,000+ square foot industrial facilities. These studies address a range of building system and environmental concerns including potential structural, mechanical, electrical, and accessibility issues and the probability of the presence of potentially hazardous substances on a property.

Brent is originally from Kansas but has been a North Carolina resident since 2004. He and his wife are parents to two boys with whom they spend a great deal of time at the soccer fields, camping, and exploring the numerous places of interest in and around the state. 


  • BS, Architectural Engineering, Kansas State University

Professional Designations:

  • Licensed Professional Engineer (PE): North Carolina, Georgia, Indiana, Louisiana, Minnesota, Nebraska, and Ohio 
  • Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) Accredited Professional (AP)
  • Certified Stormwater BMP Inspection & Maintenance Professional – certified by the North Carolina State BAE Department


Raleigh, North Carolina

LinkedIn Profile:

Andrew Crook, PE, MCE, RS

Andrew Crook, PE, MCE, RS
Project Manager

Andrew Crook, MCE, PE, RS

Andrew Crook, PE, MCE, RS

Andrew Crook, MCE, PE, RS

Project Manager

Andrew joined Giles Flythe Engineers, Inc. in 2017 when he relocated to the Raleigh-Durham area.  He has over ten years of progressive experience in civil and structural engineering.  He has provided engineering and consultation services for various commercial, industrial, and residential projects of varying size and scope, across different engineering disciplines, including structural forensic engineering, structural design, geotechnical, and environmental engineering.

Andrew has extensive experience in structural forensic engineering evaluations of existing buildings and facilities with varying levels of damage, including concrete deterioration, corroding steel, waterproofing failures, and distress due to design or construction flaws.  Much of this forensic experience utilizes nondestructive evaluation techniques including ground penetrating radar and other specialized equipment, to gain additional information about the structure.

Andrew also performs due diligence inspections, including property condition assessments, Phase 1 Environmental Site Assessments, and reserve studies for community associations and facility management teams. Andrew also has experience in geotechnical engineering and construction materials testing in field and laboratory settings.

Andrew is a native of South Carolina with roots in Cary. He currently resides in Hillsborough with his wife and son. Andrew has been a classical guitarist for 25 years and enjoys tinkering in his garage. In high school, he was an exchange student in Kalmar, Sweden.


  • BS, Design [Architecture], Clemson University 
  • Master’s, Civil Engineering, Structural Engineering, and Mechanics concentration, North Carolina State University

Professional Designations:

  • Licensed Professional Engineer (PE): North Carolina, South Carolina, Virginia, Tennessee, and Georgia
  • Reserve Specialist (RS) – Community Association’s Institute (CAI)
  • Certified Stormwater BMP Inspection & Maintenance Professional – certified by the North Carolina State BAE Department


Raleigh, North Carolina


Sean McDonald, PE

Sean McDonald, PE
Project Manager

Sean McDonald, PE

Sean McDonald, PE

Sean McDonald, PE

Project Manager

Sean joined Giles Flythe Engineers, Inc. in 2020. He has experience working on large-scale geotechnical projects, including subsurface and pavement investigations, and has also performed special inspections for open footings, rebar inspections, and concrete testing. He has performed structural inspections for various wood-framed, multi-family buildings during construction. Sean has performed numerous residential and commercial structural inspections along with repair recommendations. He has provided design services on several residential and commercial projects including, new construction homes, addition projects, and exterior decks. Sean has worked with homeowners, real estate agents, general contractors, and commercial property owners. 

Sean is originally from New York and moved to Raleigh to attend North Carolina State University. After graduation, he decided to put down roots in North Carolina. Sean enjoys training mixed martial arts, hiking with his dog, and snowboarding. 


BS, Civil Engineering, North Carolina State University 

Professional Designations:

Licensed Professional Engineer (PE): North Carolina 


Raleigh, North Carolina

LinkedIn Profile:

Matthew (Matt) Carroll, PE, RS

Matt Carroll, PE, RS
Project Manager

Matt Carroll, PE, RS

Matthew (Matt) Carroll, PE, RS

Matt Carroll, PE, RS

Project Manager

Matt was an intern with Giles Flythe Engineers, Inc. before joining the staff full-time in 2019 after obtaining his degree from North Carolina State University. Matt served as a Combat Engineer in the United States Marine Corps for four years. He spent most of his time in the military supervising and delegating tasks in vertical construction projects. He also prepared safety classes to inform and maintain safety in the work environment. 

Matt has extensive experience in forensic structural evaluations for residential and commercial properties. He has provided structural engineering design for upfits and additions of existing commercial and residential structures as well as new structures. Matt has performed several property condition assessments for commercial buildings and has performed numerous reserve studies and transition studies for townhomes, condominium complexes, single-family homes, high-rise residential units, and mixed-use developments. He has also conducted hundreds of exterior building inspections including roofing and facade of existing structures as well as construction administration on roof, siding, window, balcony coating, and sealant replacement projects and on building painting/coating projects. Matt has also performed draw request inspections for several construction projects, including verification that the work completed meets or exceeds the funding request made by the contractor at different stages throughout the project.

Matt is originally from Illinois and a father of two daughters. He enjoys training his dogs when he isn’t busy with his family. Matt and his family also enjoy boating and camping in the warmer months.


BS, Civil Engineering, North Carolina State University 

AS, Engineering, Wake Technical Community College

Professional Designations:

  • Licensed Professional Engineer (PE): North Carolina
  • Reserve Specialist (RS) – Community Association’s Institute (CAI)


Raleigh, North Carolina

Joseph (Joe) Troescher, PE, RS

Joseph M. Troescher, PE, RS
Project Manager

Joseph M. Troescher, PE, RS

Joseph (Joe) Troescher, PE, RS

Joseph M. Troescher, PE, RS

Project Manager

Joe joined the team in 2021 after relocating from Florida to Charlotte, North Carolina. Joe has experience in structural, geotechnical, and forensic engineering; he has provided engineering inspection and consultation services for a wide range of commercial and residential projects and has prior experience installing and testing deep foundation systems such as driven piles and drilled shafts. Joe’s structural forensic background includes evaluations of existing structures with varying levels of structural distress, including evaluations of timber, concrete, steel, and waterproofing. Joe has performed numerous reserve studies for townhomes, condominium complexes, and single-family homes. He has also conducted hundreds of roofing inspections of existing structures and construction administration on roof replacement projects.

Joe serves as Secretary of the Board of Directors for the Structural Engineers Association of North Carolina – Charlotte Chapter.

Joe, a Florida native, relocated to Charlotte, North Carolina, in 2021 with his wife and is now a father to one son. Joe enjoys exploring local attractions, hiking with his dog, and boating on Lake Norman.


BS, Civil Engineering, University of South Florida

Professional Designations:

  • Licensed Professional Engineer (PE): North Carolina, South Carolina, and Florida
  • Certified Stormwater BMP Inspection & Maintenance Professional – certified by the North Carolina State BAE Department
  • Reserve Specialist (RS) – Community Association’s Institute (CAI)


Charlotte, North Carolina

LinkedIn Profile:

Tyler Royster, PE, RS

Tyler Royster, PE, RS
Project Manager

Tyler Royster, PE, RS

Tyler Royster, PE, RS

Tyler Royster, PE, RS

Project Manager

Tyler joined Giles Flythe Engineers, Inc. in 2021 after working for several years in the commercial construction field. He currently serves as an Engineer Officer in the North Carolina Army National Guard. His current position is as an assistant operations officer for the 505th Engineer Battalion.

Tyler has extensive experience in forensic structural evaluations for residential and commercial properties. Tyler has performed numerous reserve studies for townhomes, condominium complexes, and single-family home communities. He has also conducted many roofing inspections of existing structures as well as construction administration on roof replacement, siding replacement, and building painting projects. Tyler has also performed draw request inspections for several construction projects, including verification that the work completed meets or exceeds the funding request made by the contractor at different stages throughout the project.

Tyler is a Florida native and comes from generations of military service. When Tyler is not working, he enjoys spending time outdoors with his wife and two dogs.


BS, Construction Engineering and Management, Mechanical concentration, North Carolina State University 

Professional Designations:

  • Licensed Professional Engineer (PE): North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, and Virginia
  • Reserve Specialist (RS) – Community Association’s Institute (CAI)


Raleigh, North Carolina


John Greis, PE, MCE, RS

John Greis, PE, MCE, RS
Project Manager

John Greis, PE, MCE, RS

John Greis, PE, MCE, RS

John Greis, PE, MCE, RS

Project Manager

John joined Giles Flythe Engineers, Inc. in early 2022 and has over 15 years of engineering experience. His experience involves planning, managing, and executing complex geotechnical engineering projects, including deep foundation load testing programs and sinkhole evaluations. John also has forensic experience involving settlement-related structural distress and has developed ground improvement and repair plans for soils affected by karst activity. He has also completed numerous reserve studies and building evaluations for multi-family residential properties. In these evaluations, all aspects of the buildings and site are evaluated, including the condition and estimated useful life of site drainage systems, stormwater retention ponds, asphalt paved parking lots and streets, concrete curb and gutter systems, concrete flatwork, site amenities (playgrounds, pools, tennis courts, etc.), building roofs and exterior envelopes, electrical, mechanical, plumbing systems, and interior finishes of common buildings.

John, a Florida native, relocated to Raleigh, North Carolina, with his wife and three children in 2017. When his three kids are not keeping him busy, John enjoys the outdoors and leisure time with his family. His favorite activities include cross-fit style workouts and mountain biking through the western North Carolina mountains. He and his family are active members of their local church and die-hard Tampa Bay Lightning fans.


BS, Civil Engineering, University of Florida

MS, Civil Engineering, University of Florida 

Professional Designations:

  • Licensed Professional Engineer (PE): North Carolina, Florida, Georgia, Virginia, Texas, and Washington, DC
  • Certified Stormwater BMP Inspection & Maintenance Professional – certified by the North Carolina State BAE Department
  • Reserve Specialist (RS) – Community Association’s Institute (CAI)


Raleigh, North Carolina



Jeffrey (Jeff) Dow, PE, RS

Jeffrey Dow, PE, RS
Project Manager

Jeffery Dow, PE, RS

Jeffrey (Jeff) Dow, PE, RS

Jeffery Dow, PE, RS

Project Manager

Jeff joined Giles-Flythe Engineers, Inc. as a Project Manager in 2022. He has approximately 15 years of experience inspecting residential, commercial, and institutional properties and over five years of design experience as a land development engineer. Jeff has performed thousands of reserve studies and transition studies for townhomes, condominium complexes, high-rise, and mid-rise residential units, planned unit properties, churches, and mixed-use developments. He has worked with numerous small to large homeowner associations and boards. Jeff has experience preparing function design and layouts for commercial and residential developments, including the design of storm sewer, sanitary sewer and water main, grading, parking lot configuration, stormwater management ponds, and best management practices. 

Jeff was born in Tallahassee, FL, and has worked as an engineer in Tampa, Charlotte, and the Washington, D.C. area.  He and his wife currently reside in Charlotte, NC.  Jeff enjoys staying active, golfing, and spending time with his wife, daughter, and dogs.  


BS, Civil Engineering, Florida State University, 2002

Professional Designations:

  • Licensed Professional Engineer (PE): North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Georgia, and Florida 
  • Reserve Specialist (RS) – Community Association’s Institute (CAI)


Charlotte, North Carolina

LinkedIn Profile:

Mason Bumgarner, PE

Mason Bumgarner, PE
Project Manager

Mason Bumgarner, PE

Mason Bumgarner, PE

Mason Bumgarner, PE

Project Manager

Mason is a licensed professional engineer who works in our Charlotte office. After graduation, Mason spent several years of his career in the North Carolina high country, where he managed and performed residential and commercial structural assessments. He also has extensive structural design experience, including deck and framing, heavy timber, and foundation design. Mason has worked on remodeling plans, full house framing and foundation plans, and NCDOT bridge inspections. Now back in Charlotte, Mason is focusing on performing reserve studies, structural site inspections, and both new and remodeling design projects, bringing a wealth of knowledge to these projects.

Mason lives in a small town in the foothills of the mountains with his wife and dog. Mason spends as much time as he can outdoors, either hunting or fishing. He tinkers around on automotive projects in his spare time.


BS, Civil Engineering, University of North Carolina at Charlotte, Minor Mathematics

Professional Designations:

  • Licensed Professional Engineer (PE): North Carolina


Charlotte, North Carolina

LinkedIn Profile:

Heather Hancock, EI

Heather Hancock, EI
Project Engineer

Heather Hancock, EI

Heather Hancock, EI

Heather Hancock, EI

Project Engineer

Heather brings several years of civil and geotechnical engineering experience to the team at Giles Flythe Engineers. Heather has been involved in various projects focusing on utility design, site grading, plan permitting, erosion control, and stormwater management, including pond design, primarily for residential subdivisions. Transitioning into geotechnical engineering, Heather specialized in subsurface investigations and foundation designs. She has conducted comprehensive site assessments to evaluate soil properties, geological conditions, and potential construction risks for various commercial properties. She also performed concrete pile load testing and installation observations for bridge piers.

Heather grew up in Siler City, a small town in North Carolina. She has a deep-rooted appreciation for outdoor activities, particularly golf. Having played collegiate golf, she often spends her weekends on the course with her father. Her creative spirit extends beyond engineering; she finds joy in leatherwork and building a variety of wood projects, such as playsets during her spare time.

Heather’s dedication to serving others is evident not only in her professional endeavors but also in her personal life. She is actively involved in teaching youth Sunday school and coaching CrossFit. Her life goal is to “Love big, serve hard, and seek God always.”


BS, Civil Engineering, Structural Engineering Concentration, North Carolina State University 


Raleigh, North Carolina

Graham Wilkins, EI

Graham Wilkins, EI
Project Engineer

Graham Wilkins, EI

Graham Wilkins, EI

Graham Wilkins, EI

Project Engineer

Graham was an intern with Giles Flythe Engineers, Inc. for two years before joining full-time. Graham has experience in residential structural inspections and evaluations for residential properties. He has worked on numerous structural design projects ranging from the design of renovations and additions of existing commercial and residential structures and new residential structures. Graham has worked with several homeowners and general contractors.

Graham is a Raleigh native. He is an avid golfer, so you can typically find him on the golf course, at the gym, or playing recreational softball, in his spare time. He also enjoys spending time with his family and friends. Graham is North Carolina State fan and loves attending Wolfpack sporting events and cheering them on. Graham served as a Church Youth Leader for several years.


BS, Civil Engineering, North Carolina State University

Professional Designations:

Engineer Intern Certification  


Raleigh, North Carolina



Johan Vargas

Johan Vargas
Project Engineer

Johan Vargas

Johan Vargas

Johan Vargas

Project Engineer

Johan joined the Giles Flythe Engineers team after graduating from the University of North Carolina at Charlotte. Johan brought a wealth of knowledge and experience even as a new graduate. Johan grew up working for the family concrete company as a residential and commercial construction laborer, which exposed him to the construction field at a young age. Johan has performed numerous structural design projects. Those projects ranged from the design of renovations and additions of existing residential structures to new residential structures, including single-family homes and townhomes. He has experience designing concrete masonry unit (CMU) blocks and concrete-poured retaining walls. Johan has several years of experience in residential structural inspections and evaluations, with homes dating from the late 1800s to new home construction.

Johan is a Charlotte, North Carolina, native who continues to call the area home with his high school sweetheart. He loves to travel, having traveled to Spain, Puerto Rico, Mexico, and most of the Caribbean. He thinks of every travel experience as a new adventure. Johan is also an avid sports fan, from baseball to football. His favorite teams are the Atlanta Braves and New England Patriots.


BS, Civil Engineering, University of North Carolina at Charlotte


Charlotte, North Carolina

LinkedIn Profile:

Kyle Hedblom, MSAE, EI

Kyle Hedblom, MSAE, EI
Project Engineer

Kyle Hedblom, MSAE, EI

Kyle Hedblom, MSAE, EI

Kyle Hedblom, MSAE, EI

Project Engineer

Kyle joined Giles Flythe Engineers after graduating from Milwaukee School of Engineering with a Master of Science in Architectural Engineering focusing on structural systems. Kyle has experience working on a multitude of residential and commercial structural design projects, specifically foundation and wood design. Kyle has worked on existing building renovations such as residential additions, wall removals, and historic structure rehabilitation. He also has experience working on large-scale commercial projects focusing on steel and masonry construction.

Kyle grew up in Minneapolis, Minnesota, and relocated to Raleigh, North Carolina, after graduation. He has always loved sports, as Kyle played NCAA Lacrosse for five years at the Milwaukee School of Engineering. He also enjoys following many sports teams and is interested in sports analytics. His favorite sports team is the Minnesota Vikings. Kyle lives an active lifestyle with a love for the outdoors and exploring new areas.


BS, Architectural Engineering, Milwaukee School of Engineering
MS, Architectural Engineering, Milwaukee School of Engineering

Professional Designations:

Engineer Intern Certification  


Raleigh, North Carolina

LinkedIn Profile:

Joshua (Josh) Gale, EI

Joshua Gale, EI
Project Engineer

Joshua Gale, EI

Joshua (Josh) Gale, EI

Joshua Gale, EI

Project Engineer

Josh joined the Giles Flythe Engineers team after graduating from Utah Valley University with a focus on structural engineering. Josh worked part-time throughout college and had internships ranging from solar installation structural design to heavy civil construction. His most recent experience is working on residential structural design including retaining wall and steel cantilevered column modeling. He loves the beauty of residential construction. He is currently working towards obtaining his professional engineering license.

Josh grew up in Missouri, then moved to Utah for college. He relocated to North Carolina after college where the humidity and geography feel like home to him. He is a very grateful husband and father. He and his wife like playing team sports and being outdoors but mainly enjoy being at home with family. They each spent several years volunteering for their church full-time to help those in need and continue to serve where they can.


BS, Civil Engineering, Utah Valley University

Professional Designations:

Engineer Intern Certification  


Raleigh, North Carolina

LinkedIn Profile:

Evan Rimer, EI

Evan Rimer, EI
Project Engineer

Evan Rimer, EI

Evan Rimer, EI

Evan Rimer, EI

Project Engineer

Evan interned with Giles Flythe Engineers in our Charlotte office before joining the Raleigh office full-time after graduating from the University of North Carolina at Charlotte. Evan comes with over six years of residential and custom home construction experience. As a laborer for the family custom home construction company, Evan grew up working on foundations, framing, roofing, and finish materials. While obtaining his degree, Evan performed a two-rotation co-op for a heavy civil construction company, working on public construction projects. Evan has experience in residential structural inspections and evaluations for residential properties.  He has worked on numerous structural design projects ranging from the design of renovations and additions of existing commercial and residential structures to new residential structures. Throughout his career, Evan has worked with homeowners, real estate agents, and general contractors. Evan is currently working towards obtaining his professional engineering license.

Evan grew up in Lake Lure, North Carolina, before moving to Charlotte for college. He continues to call North Carolina home with his wife and dog.  Evan loves spending time outdoors and playing different sports as much as possible. He also enjoys spending time with friends and family.


BS, Civil Engineering, University of North Carolina at Charlotte

Professional Designations:

Engineer Intern Certification  


Raleigh, North Carolina

LinkedIn Profile:

Collin Vaughan, EI

Collin Vaughan, EI
Project Engineer

Collin Vaughan, EI

Collin Vaughan, EI

Collin Vaughan, EI

Project Engineer

Collin has a Bachelor of Science degree in Civil Engineering, specializing in structural design, from Virginia Tech, along with a minor in Geographic Information Systems. Collin has completed numerous design projects, calculating lateral and gravity loads, as well as the strength of connections between various concrete components for parking garages and muti-level data center structures. He also performed structural inspections on existing pre-cast concrete structures, overseeing damage remediations and providing repair recommendations. Collin also has experience working on steel joist and girder designs for steel canopies. Collin has experience with residential structural inspections and evaluations.

Collin relocated to Raleigh for the position with Giles Flythe Engineers. He is originally from the outskirts of Richmond, Virginia. Collin has developed a deep appreciation for the great outdoors and is excited to continue exploring in his new North Carolina home. When he’s not hard at work, you can often find Collin hitting the hiking trails, chasing after a soccer ball, or avidly following the fortunes of his favorite college football team. Collin has a passion for woodworking, using his skilled hands to design and construct an array of beautiful and functional pieces ranging from simple wall shelves to intricate keepsake boxes and sturdy tables. Collin remains committed to his roots, regularly returning to Virginia to lend his leadership experience to a Scouting course he has taught for many years.


BS, Civil Engineering, Structural Concentration, Minor in Geographic Information Systems, Virginia Tech

Professional Designations:

Engineer Intern Certification  


Raleigh, North Carolina

LinkedIn Profile:

Nikki Orie

Nikki Orie
Recruiting & Marketing Manager

Nikki Orie

Nikki Orie

Nikki Orie

Recruiting & Marketing Manager

Nikki joined the team in 2022 in a newly created position with the company. With an engineering background, Nikki can “speak engineer” to those candidates or clients. Her role with Giles Flythe Engineers, Inc. is managing all recruiting efforts, including internships, university and campus recruiting, and outreach. She also oversees marketing and business development efforts for the company. While her background is diverse, spending half of her career in a technical role, her path ultimately led her to a career in human resources and recruitment marketing.

Nikki relocated to Raleigh in 2017 with her husband and dog. You can typically find her on the pickleball courts or in the North Carolina mountains. Nikki also enjoys hiking, mountain biking, golf and spending time with friends and family. 


BS, Civil Engineering, University of Pittsburgh 


Raleigh, North Carolina

LinkedIn Profile:

Megan Pennington

Megan Pennington
Office Manager

Megan Pennington

Megan Pennington

Megan Pennington

Office Manager

Megan Pennington joined the team in 2024 as Office Manager. Originally from the Gulf Coast of Southwest Florida, she relocated to Raleigh after graduating from college. With over 15 years of experience in client relations, operations management, and administrative support, Megan plays a key role in ensuring the smooth operation of the office.

Megan holds a Bachelor of Social Work from the University of Central Florida and has developed a broad range of skills across various administrative roles. Her career spans managing operations in wholesale distribution, supporting nonprofit organizations, and serving as client concierge and office manager for a local wealth management firm. In addition to her client-facing responsibilities, Megan was also tasked with coordinating meetings for a team of financial advisors, ensuring clear communication, and facilitating timely follow-ups.

Outside of work, Megan enjoys spending time with her husband and daughter, whether traveling, relaxing at the beach or lake, walking the family dog, or caring for the dogs she pet-sits. She is also dedicated to giving back to her community, with volunteer work that includes contributions to the Girl Scouts, The Food Bank of North Carolina, and regular blood donations through the Rex Blood Plan and The Blood Connection.


BA, Social Work – University of Central Florida


Raleigh, North Carolina

LinkedIn Profile:

Community Involvement

At Giles Flythe Engineers we are committed to giving back to the communities we serve. We invest and support our communities in areas that align with our core values and business.

We are committed to giving back to the communities we serve. We invest and support our communities in areas that align with our core values and business.

Giles Flythe Engineers giving back to the community

At Giles Flythe Engineers we invest and support communities in areas that align with our core values and business:

  • Huntington’s Disease Society of North Carolina
  • The Leukemia Society
  • St. Baldrick’s Foundation
  • Toys for TCAR Toy Drive
  • Urban Ministries of Wake County
  • Hope Community Church
  • The N.O.R. Foundation
  • The Summit Church
  • Mabopane Foundation
  • Young Life

In addition to the firm-sponsored support to charities and organizations listed above, many of our team members are active outside of the workplace with non-profit organizations close to their hearts.

Community Associations Institute (CAI)
North & South Carolina Chapters
Southeast & Southwest Virginia Chapters

Triangle Commercial Association of Realtors

American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE)

Structural Engineers Association (SEA) of North Carolina

American Society of Cost Segregation Professionals (ASCSP)

Hampton Roads Association of Commercial Real Estate (HR Acre)

Charlotte Region Commercial Board of Realtors (CRCBR)

Join the Giles Flythe Team!